In the last visit of September, metrology dosimetry laboratory of the Vinca Institute was visited by Zakithi Msimang, Secondary Standards Dosimetry Laboratory Network officer. The network is organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and World Health Organization (WHO). Vinca Institute has been a member of the network since 1978. Calibration methods in the fields of radiotherapy, brachytherapy, radiation protection and diagnostic radiology were presented during the visit, as well as the Quality Management System and reference fields. Future development of ionizing radiation metrology in Serbia and future cooperation were discussed. There is an ongoing IAEA Technical Cooperation project: SRB/6/016 „Strengthening Calibration Services at the Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratory for Radiotherapy Applications”. Project plans include procurement of a 60Co source, to be used for radiotherapy calibrations. Procurement will ensure the continuation of the calibration service for radiotherapy centers, which is very important for accurate and reliable dose measurement and high quality of the treatment received by the oncological patients. A new calibration method for brachytherapy chambers was already established during the project, several trainings were performed, and remaining activities include procurement of reference sources for surface contamination.